by LAsportsandspine | Aug 27, 2018 | Healthy Aging, The Inactivity Crisis
New CDC report on inactivity ❇️ Onky 22.9% of US adults (18-64y) meet 2008 CDC physical activity guidelines ❇️ >=2x muscle-strengthening activities ❇️ plus >=150min moderate aerobic physical activity ❇️ or >=75min vigorous aerobic physical activity...
by LAsportsandspine | Aug 27, 2018 | Low Back Problems and Sciatica, Neck and Headache
Back pain affects 50% if pregnant women. Train for life. Stay in shape Low_Back_Problems_and_Sciatica Neck_and_Headache 30 Of The Most Surprising (And Alarming) Back Pain...
by LAsportsandspine | Aug 27, 2018 | Excessive Imaging For Musculoskeletal Problems, Healthy Aging, Hip and Groin, Overutilization of Surgery
“Stephen Tower, a physician, received a chrome-cobalt replacement hip, which he suspects poisoned him and led to a mental breakdown. …..if there’s a disagreement between the marketing and the medicine, “the marketing is always going to win out,” says a lawyer...
by LAsportsandspine | Aug 27, 2018 | Excessive Imaging For Musculoskeletal Problems, Foot and Ankle, Healthy Aging, Hip and Groin, Knee, Low Back Problems and Sciatica, Management of Tendonopathy and Overuse Injuries, Neck and Headache, Overutilization of Surgery, Shoulder and Arm, The Inactivity Crisis
Modern way of thinking about your pain. Hurt may not = harm. Usually it’s not the activity that causes a problem so much as the activity we’re not prepared for. Our role at LASS is to reduce Over-protection & address Under-preparation with safe, efficacious,...
by LAsportsandspine | Aug 8, 2018 | Diet and Inflammation, Excessive Imaging For Musculoskeletal Problems, Healthy Aging, Management of Tendonopathy and Overuse Injuries, The Inactivity Crisis
“Patients were asked to rate their pain on a scale of 0 to 10, and they were also asked the question, “Is your pain tolerable?” Surprisingly, three quarters of the patients who rated their pain between 4 and 7 on the numerical scale, a range that typically...