Our Programs

FPM Roadmap

Your journey to learn the best practices from the fields of rehabilitation, pain management, personal training, athletic development, & behavioral modification.

FPM’s mission is to challenge the status quo & promote sustainable athleticism & healthy longevity.

FPM’s vision is to help coaches & clinicians to join a community where everyone is offering an evidence-informed, client-centered approach.

Challenging the status quo is necessary because we are in a “super wicked crisis” with musculoskeletal health being sacrificed as people chase “quick flxes”. We offer an upstream approach aimed at putting people above profits and gaining greater awareness of social determinants of health.

Here is our Roadmap to learning how to promote high-value musculoskeletal health and lower your clients’ biological age.

  1. Our FREE High Value webinar – 25+ hours of cutting edge content on our “guide by the side” philosophy, gamification, ecological validity, etc w/ many world experts.
  2. Our FREE Youtube channel
  3. Our FREE curated podcasts
  4. Our FREE blog
  5. Craig’s Substack
  6. Our FREE Self Care Guide – selected articles on the latest science for specific body regions and MS care issues
  7. Our FREE self-care exercise library
  8. The FPM Facebook page – join our online community where new literature & Client Profiles are discussed
  1. Dr Liebenson’s classic book Rehabilitation of the Spine (Ed 3)
  2. Knowledge Translation webinar – 12 hours of content with leading experts on implementation of evidence into your environment
  3. FPM Prepare (virtual) – 18 hour recorded content on FPM’s 4 principles, 6 part MP, evidence base for active care.
  4. Precision Programming (virtual) – 11 hour recorded program on bridging the gap between theory and execution. Replace a rigid protocol with a step-by-step framework that delivers a unique program for each client or patient.


Precision Programming Face to Face Lab Immersion Experience – A 12 hour live workshop on how to find a safe starting place & make rehab/training meaningful for clients. A focus on re/conceptualization from a fragile to resilent mindset for long term activity participation, sustainable athleticism & healthy longevity.

View upcoming dates.

The FPM Roundtable is an online community exclusively for those of you who’ve attended a live FPM course, completed our 4 month Mentorship, or completed our Knowledge Translation virtual program.

We know attending individual seminars is not enough to implement what our faculty does. We want to link all the FPM cities together for Roundtable discussions sharing your successes & challenges with different populations & in different environments. The principles are scalable with our checklist approach. We want to help make the transition from transactional coach-client relationships to health coaching for life.

The Virtual ⭕️ Roundtable Community has three main features:

  1. A forum for sharing “wins” & “challenges” on our Chat (on your own schedule!)
  2. Access to our unparalleled Resource Library (including recorded Cases from Craig & Ryan)
  3. Monthly “meet ups” – our inaugural ones with Peter O’Sullivan, PhD; Katie Dabrowski, DPT; and Jake Tuura are available to you in recorded form.



  • a live FPM course since 2020
    • Precision Programming or Sustainable Athleticism & Healthy Longevity 
  • participation in our 4 month Mentorship
  • or provisionally:
    • our recorded Virtual Precision Programming Seminar
    • or, a 1 day FPM live course since 2020 like Building Functional Reserve
    • or, Katie Dabrowski’s course Training = Healthcare
    • or, Donald Mulls 1 day seminar “Framework to Active Care”

Join the Roundtable

Learn more & request to join.

Referral locater of our most trusted FPM clinicians & coaches (evidence-informed & client/centered).

Must be actively enrolled in the FPM Roundtable.

Special highest tier status – 

  1. Member of the FPM Virtual ⭕️ Roundtable Community
  2. Attendance in the newest live course Sustainable Athleticism & Healthy Longevity
  3. Attendance in either the 4 month Mentorship or Precision Programming live
  4. FPM Prepare (Virtual) or Building Functional Reserve (1 day live course)

See the FPM Directory.


Exclusive to FPM Mentees

FPM Referral Directory

Referral locater of our most trusted FPM clinicians & coaches (evidence-informed & client/centered).

Must be actively enrolled in Ongoing Mentorship.

Special highest tier status – completion of FPM Prepare (virtual) & Precision Programming face to face Lab Immersion Experience.

Dr craig liebenson teaching fpm 8 ryan chow precision programming

2-Day Program

Precision Programming: The Client-Centered Approach

A 12 hour live workshop on how to find a safe starting place & make rehab/training meaningful for clients. A focus on re/conceptualization from a fragile to resilent mindset for long term activity participation, sustainable athleticism & healthy longevity.


18-Hour Program (Virtual)


18 hour recorded content on FPM’s 4 principles, 6 part MP, evidence base for active care.

Give tangible hope and an achievable plan through a positive experience with movement.

FPM mentorship box thumb

4-Month Program

FPM Mentorship

A 4 month program focused on teaching you how to build a Precision Profile Template.


  1. 12 subject modules (zoom meet ups; weekly group topical discussions; module based learning resources)
  2. Exit task – post a profile case/program on public FB page

Exclusive Membership

Ongoing Mentorship

Pre-requisite: successful completion of FPM Mentorship


  1. Case/program discussion from your clinic/gym/online environment on our group chat
  2. 1:1 consulting w/ Ryan & Craig
  3. Exclusive learning materials
  4. Inclusion in FPM Referral Directory

Learn Online


Join us in the FPM Learning Portal for online learning, including 20+ hours of free materials.

  1. Interview with Katie Dabrowski DPT Sports Science Dudes Podcast 57:49
  2. Katie Dabrowski - Understand Pain & Be the Voice that Makes a Difference Move Without Limits Podcast 37:48
  3. Dr. Ryan Chow - U Are Not Fragile The Coach U Podcast 1:01:24
  4. Interview with Dr. Liebenson 21st Century Physio Podcast 58:15
  5. Donald Mull - Playing Within the Constraints Be A Better PT Podcast 44:08
  6. Dr. Liebenson - The Motion is the Lotion The Coach U Podcast 1:17:29
  7. David Joyce, Dr. Craig Liebenson, & More - "Most Underrated & Most Overrated Method Or Exercise." Athletes Authority ON AIR 50:54
  8. Dr. Don Berry | Strength Is Life RAW with Marty Gallagher 1:33:22