The relationship of knee MRI & pain or need for surgery is very weak.
The relationship of knee MRI & pain or need for surgery is very weak.
The relationship of knee MRI & pain or need for surgery is very weak.
“Almost every country over-reimbursing procedures that don’t work for knee OA and under-funding exercise-based programs. Germany looks to have banned/de-funded knee scope for OA” Dr
Moving > Standing or Sitting Link:
Common myth – arthritis is due to “wear & tear” But, there is very little arthritis in marathon runners.
Mathew Benoy, PT and activity specialist highlights why runners don’t have more arthritis. This link Recaps recent research on evolutionary trends highlighting that arthritis is
Commentary Background – “Prague School to Athletic Development” course in Winnipeg In 2008, I injured my hip during ballet. I spent 3 years trying to
Read Part one, posted December 3, 2018 Secrets of Healthy Longevity A) “The greater health of older exercisers compared to their sedentary counterparts can lead
Ray Charles may have been blind, but his hit song “I Don’t Need No Doctor” written back in 1966 makes me think that even he
Dear FPM Community, We are living through an unprecedented time unlike anything since 1968 except this time we are in the midst of the convergence
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