“Almost every country over-reimbursing procedures that don’t work for knee OA and under-funding exercise-based programs. Germany looks to

“Almost every country over-reimbursing procedures that don’t work for knee OA and under-funding exercise-based programs. Germany looks to

“Almost every country over-reimbursing procedures that don’t work for knee OA and under-funding exercise-based programs. Germany looks to have banned/de-funded knee scope for OA” Dr John Orchard Associate Editor BJSM Healthy_Aging The_Inactivity_Crisis...
Revolutionary expose from The Lancet
“The majority of cases of low back pain respond to simple physical and

Revolutionary expose from The Lancet “The majority of cases of low back pain respond to simple physical and

Revolutionary expose from The Lancet “The majority of cases of low back pain respond to simple physical and psychological therapies that keep people active and enable them to stay at work,” explains Series author Professor Rachelle Buchbinder, Monash University,...
“A major challenge will be to stop the use of harmful practices while ensuring access to effective and

“A major challenge will be to stop the use of harmful practices while ensuring access to effective and

“A major challenge will be to stop the use of harmful practices while ensuring access to effective and affordable health care for people with low back pain.” “Low back pain is now the number one cause of disability globally…there is a need to identify...
  1. Interview with Katie Dabrowski DPT Sports Science Dudes Podcast 57:49
  2. Katie Dabrowski - Understand Pain & Be the Voice that Makes a Difference Move Without Limits Podcast 37:48
  3. Dr. Ryan Chow - U Are Not Fragile The Coach U Podcast 1:01:24
  4. Interview with Dr. Liebenson 21st Century Physio Podcast 58:15
  5. Donald Mull - Playing Within the Constraints Be A Better PT Podcast 44:08
  6. Dr. Liebenson - The Motion is the Lotion The Coach U Podcast 1:17:29
  7. David Joyce, Dr. Craig Liebenson, & More - "Most Underrated & Most Overrated Method Or Exercise." Athletes Authority ON AIR 50:54
  8. Dr. Don Berry | Strength Is Life RAW with Marty Gallagher 1:33:22