Typical belief of a patient – “I thought fixing my back would be as straightforward as fixing a broken
Typical belief of a patient ✅ “I thought fixing my back would be as straightforward as fixing a broken wrist. I’d find a surgeon and
Typical belief of a patient ✅ “I thought fixing my back would be as straightforward as fixing a broken wrist. I’d find a surgeon and
Wow. Damning statement. “A series on low back pain by the global medical journal The Lancet outlined that most sufferers aren’t getting the most effective
Powerful. Big fan of Rachelle Buchbinder Brilliant.
Reduction in sciatica symptoms can occur without any change in MRI findings vis a vis size of disc bulge. Additionally discs can reabsorb (ie shrink)
“This trial provides additional support for the inclusion of chiropractic care as a component of multidisciplinary health care for low back pain” Link: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2680417
A great source of reassuring reactivation advice for low back pain from Greg Lehman PT, DC. Link: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57260f1fd51cd4d1168668ab/t/594964426a4963370e76990a/1497982233437/recovery+strategies+final+book+june+2017.pdf
Theres a lot of debate today in the LBP field specifically & musculoskeletal pain in general about manual therapy vs exercise. Motor control vs strength
Sad that guideline discordant care persists in spite over 35 years of dissemination of guidelines. The evidence-practice gap is hard for many to cross.
LBP is complex & the social of BPS the code breaker between the dichotomization of pain science & biomechanics.
View this post on Instagram A post shared by DAVID GARCIA- Kinesiologia BPS (@kinesioedu) on Sep 5, 2020 at 9:57am PDT
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