Many back pain patients ‘getting wrong care’ – BBC News –<a href='http://www.
Many back pain patients ‘getting wrong care’ – BBC News –
Many back pain patients ‘getting wrong care’ – BBC News –
“A major challenge will be to stop the use of harmful practices while ensuring access to effective and affordable health care for people with low
Disabling back pain management has ignored the scientific evidence for decades. The Lancet exposes the truth. Link:
Life span is US declining more than other countries. Diet_and_Inflammation Early_Specialization_and_Youth_Sports_Injuries Excessive_Imaging_for_Musculoskeletal_Problems Healthy_Aging The_Inactivity_Crisis Link:
Health span is falling behind life span Link:
Cut your risk by 60%! Link:
❇️ “It is alarming how many surgeries may have been completed unnecessarily and with little gain,” ❇️ “exercise was the new treatment “front-runner” ahead of
“Between 1981 and 1997, detailed time-use studies showed that the time children spent at play declined by 25% Since the adoption of sweeping education reforms
[Archive – April 22, 2012] When evaluating a patient or athlete is there a difference between testing their capability & their movement pattern? Put another
[Archive – March 27, 2012] “It is not so important whether the main emphasis is placed on muscles, soft tissues, chain reaction, or central nervous
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