by Craig Liebenson | Apr 28, 2020
Just one more of my home workouts.I didn’t walk every well for couple of days after this ;)To Complete Session run over the 4 exercises give 3/4 Rounds Alternating Sides through each exercise. Warm up 20 Wide Stance Straight Leg hip hinges 10 Narrow Single Leg...
by Craig Liebenson | Apr 20, 2020
Fun little challenging circuit for your hip and knee mobility/strength & tolerance to different types of loading! I was using a lot of these for dancers and my own training for dance. Cheers!
by Craig Liebenson | Apr 18, 2020
I’VE RECEIVED INQUIRIES ABOUT NECK PAIN WHILE WORKING FROM HOME . Does this sound like you right now? You’re not alone. . . Working from a different workstation and possibly more hours staring at a computer screen can provide load to your system it hasn’t prepared...
by Craig Liebenson | Apr 15, 2020
Presented to me from a co-worker coach, this great variation to a single leg/ posterior chain biased activity that will get you ready for higher level tasks. Try it out
by Craig Liebenson | Apr 15, 2020
I’ve been working on different variations of the bent press in my movement prep to address everything from shoulder and core stability to hip mobility. Performing a strict press from the bent position is an effective way to reinforce the side rack position and...