Unfortunate. Athletes like Nadal should think longer term.
Unfortunate. Athletes like Nadal should think longer term. Link: https://theconversation.com/commonwealth-games-injuries-highlight-a-problematic-culture-in-elite-sports-94738
Unfortunate. Athletes like Nadal should think longer term. Link: https://theconversation.com/commonwealth-games-injuries-highlight-a-problematic-culture-in-elite-sports-94738
Competition comes at a cost. But, for the rest of us our goal is sustainable activity so that we maintain our health & fitness. Moderation
The relationship of knee MRI & pain or need for surgery is very weak. https://www.nature.com/articles/nrrheum.2012.69
“The Lancet Series highlighted that more care does not mean better care. More aggressive treatments for low back pain have little proven benefit and have
Repairs for full thickness rotator cuff tears no clinical difference between surgical & non-operative management. Patients beware of aggressive procedures with downside risk. Consider your
Exercise improves intermittent claudication leg pain on walking ?♂️??♀️? https://discover.dc.nihr.ac.uk/content/signal-00582/exercise-improves-intermittent-claudication-leg-pain-on-walking#.WuWDae7uKPU.twitter
Challenging a lot of our assumptions “In those chronic conditions many of these responses that were initially adaptive, or helpful, have now become maladaptive.” “How
Shoulder pathology found on imaging not terribly helpful in deciding on treatment https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/acr.23554
Huge news!! Starting in November Spinal Fusions will no longer be funded in Australia. Excessive_Imaging_for_Musculoskeletal_Problems Healthy_Aging The_Inactivity_Crisis Overutilization_of_Surgery Low_Back_Problems_and_Sciatica http://health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/DCA37AF837D2C3D0CA25827700826A27/$File/Spinal-surgery.pdf Link: http://health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/DCA37AF837D2C3D0CA25827700826A27/$File/Spinal-surgery.pdf
“Almost every country over-reimbursing procedures that don’t work for knee OA and under-funding exercise-based programs. Germany looks to have banned/de-funded knee scope for OA” Dr
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